2022 High School Boy’s Retreats
A retreat is a good opportunity to take a break from our busy lives and pray. It is also a chance to see how we can improve in our daily life as a Christian, family member, student, and friend. The retreat consists of meditations led by a priest of Opus Dei, praying the Rosary, Mass, praying the Stations of the Cross, and time for personal prayer. In order to foster an interior conversation with God, students are asked to keep an exterior silence and limit conversation. Students can also walk around on the beautiful grounds of Arnold Hall.
For students making a retreat at Arnold Hall for the first time, please call Chestnut Hill Center at 617-738-7348 to receive a brief orientation. Thank you.
The $100 rate applies to full time students only.
Weekend: Friday, 8pm to Sunday, 1:30pm
Cost: $100
- December 16 - 18, 2022
Registration Closed
People unable to afford the full fee for a retreat are asked to pay what they can, when they can.